Julio I. Cardenas founded iTranslate Professional Services, to provided much needed expertise translation services to the community. Our team translates for USCIS immigration proceedings, Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), legal and medical matters. In 2018 iTranslate Professional Services became officially approved as a Connecticut DMV document translator.  Our team has everything you’re looking for, …

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Leslie es entrenadora personal, instructora de pilates y de yoga. Leslie obtuvo certificaciones especializadas en nutrición para el ejercicio y rendimiento óptimo y también fisiología de la mujer en todas las etapas de la vida. Practica masaje tailandes con yoga y terapia de sonido, una práctica terapéutica que utiliza sonidos y vibraciones para promover la …

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Profesional financiera apasionada por ayudar a familias hispanas a fundar ahorros educativos para garantizar el futuro de sus hijos. Mi labor social es proveer seminarios en escuelas para padres que sueñan con dejar el legado de la educación en sus próximas generaciones.

I work with individuals searching for fulfillment and balance in their careers and with companies working towards intentional culture change. If you are looking for clarity and purpose, I will work with you using a pragmatic approach to help you advance from where you are to where you want to be.

TPM Connect has 35-years of in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of municipal enterprises and an understanding of what it takes to navigate the complicated legislative process and frame realistic solutions to benefit business and community needs while maintaining a balance between political challenges, policy direction, and public benefit. TPMConnect is located in lower Fairfield county …

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SCORE, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals. Our mission is to foster vibrant small business communities through mentoring and education. Our vision is that every person has the support necessary to thrive as a small business owner SCORE Fairfield County has consistently been …

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The US Small Business Administration (SBA) delivers millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions, and other forms of assistance to small businesses. SBA provides assistances primarily through its four programmatic functions: —Access to Capital (Business Financing) —Entrepreneurial Development (Education, Information, Technical Assistance & Training) —Government Contracting (Federal Procurement) —Advocacy (Voice for Small Business) Services …

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